
This destination is currently under final review and will be available soon.

TimeOne combines affiliation platform, lead management technology and proprietary media. Using this destination, you can take advantage of TimeOne server-side tracking.

Key features

The TimeOne destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference model covers TimeOne postback server-side tracking, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way..

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Smart mapping: data mapping can be readjusted using your datalayer defined fields.

  • Support for multi-item data: information included in the item array is dispatched to TimeOne.

Destination setup


Quick reference

[1] Use Destination filters to specify your matching events.

Field Mappings

Most properties can be remapped using our "Smart Mapping" feature.

[*] Mandatory property. [1] Subtracking has priority over Subtracking Cookie Name. See Configuration for more details. [2] All items are taken into account, separeted by a pipe character ("|") and encoded.

Last updated