Data retention duration

Within this page, you will find a detailed information about collected data by our platform, their specific purposes, and their retention duration.

Server Side

Event delivery

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Sampling storage of inbound and outbound hits from server side function

Personal data: Any data necessary for the client's project *IP addresses are automatically obfuscated (the last octet is replaced by 0)

Consent required: No

Data retention: 30 days

Collection frequency: 6 requests per minute for each event type *a bonus of 30 request per hour for each event type

Live events inspector (sources & destinations)

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Sampling storage of inbound and outbound hits from server side function

Personal data: Any data necessary for the client's project *IP addresses are automatically obfuscated (the last octet is replaced by 0)

Consent required: No

Data retention: 7 days

Collection frequency: 6 requests per minute for each event type *a bonus of 30 request per hour for each event type

Sources Data Quality

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Sampling storage of inbound and outbound hits from server side function

Personal data: Yes, depending of customers settings

Consent required: No

Data retention: 30 days

Collection frequency: 6 requests per minute for each event type *a bonus of 30 request per hour for each event type

TMS Client Side

Container calls

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Monitoring of the volume of container calls Generation of TAG invoicing

Personal data: No

Consent required: No

Data retention: 31 days

Deduplication conversions

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Deduplication reporting by conversions

Personal data: No

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 90 days

Tag Performance

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Performance reporting on the tags embedded in our containers

Personal data: No

Consent required: No (Anonymous data)

Data retention: 30 days

Banners displayed & consents proof

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Counting of privacy banner postings and consents. Storage of consents in accordance with legislation

Personal data: Commanders Act uniq ID (TCPID)

Consent required: No

Data retention: 396 days

Campaign Analytics

Marketing campaigns (views, clicks, conversions & pages views)

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Dashboard generation on sales attribution to marketing solutions

Personal data:

  • Commanders Act uniq ID (TC_ID)

  • IP

  • User Agent

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 90 days by default

Customer Journey generation

Type: Data Processing

Purpose: Generation of customers journeys from the collected data to be able to constitute the attribution

Personal data: Yes

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 90 days

Conversion details

Type: Data Processing

Purpose: Storage of conversions with customer journeys

Personal data:

  • Commanders Act uniq ID (TC_ID)

  • IP

  • User Agent

  • Conversion data

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 2 years

Additional information: This long retention allows our customers to compare conversion data to previous year.

Data Activation

Pages views

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Collecting the navigation of Internet users on a website in order to perform profiling

Personal data:

  • ID Unique CA (TC_ID)

  • IP

  • User Agent

  • User ID Any other data necessary for the client's project

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 30 days


Type: Data Processing

Purpose: Algorithms for the distribution of users in predefined segments

Personal data: No

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 2 years

Additional information: We consider a user to be inactive after 2 years. This period is set to match the need of some of our customers having long sales cycles

Cookies synchronization

Type: Data Collection

Purpose: Correspondence of our IDs with partner IDs

Personal data:

  • ID Unique CA (TC_ID)

  • Partners Ids

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 90 days

Additional information: We consider a user to be inactive after 2 years. This period is set to match the need of some of our customers having long sales cycles


Type: Data Import

Purpose: Import of conversion and reconciliation with collected data

Personal data:

  • Name

  • first name

  • email

  • contact information

Consent required: Yes

Data retention: 12 months by default

Backup (all solutions)


Type: Backup

Purpose: Backups of all data stored

Personal data: All databases

Consent required: Not applicable

Data retention: 3 months

Last updated

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