OneTag Tutorial

Sending an event from a web container is as easy as adding a tag : the OneTag.

If you haven’t already, you should read the platform explanations!

1. Add the OneTag from the tag library

From your web container, add a tag from the tag library, searching Commanders Act OneTag

You will find 2 tags to choose from :

  1. The OneTag - Builder: it will guide you without having to write code

  2. The OneTag - Custom: for those who prefer to manually write complex event data using javascript

2. Setup the tag

If you choose the builder version of the tag, you can go to the next step, you just have to follow the instructions. If you choose the custom one, here is how it works: The cact('trigger') function is what allows you to record any actions your users perform, along with any properties that describe the action. Each action is known as an event.

Here’s the format of a typical trigger call:

cact('trigger', '<event_name>', {<event_data>}, [config], [callback]);

Each event has a name, like page_view, and properties. For example, a page_view event might have properties like page_name or page_type.

Here is an example

cact('trigger','page_view', {
  page_type: 'product_list',
  page_name: 'Best sellers', 

config and callback parameters are optional

Standard events and custom events

You can implement two types of events:

  • Recommended standard events are events that you implement yourself, but that have Commanders Act-predefined names and parameters.

  • Custom events are events that you name and implement yourself. Before implementing a custom event, check that there is not a recommended event that already provides what you need. With custom events, best practice is to use recommended properties that you can find in our event references (ex: revenue, currency, ...) beside your custom properties.

Inside a standard events, you can add custom properties beside standard properties

Inside custom events, it is recommanded to put standard properties. Of course, custom properties can also be added

If you use Commanders Act CMP, the user consent is automatically retrieved and put inside all events in the user property.

If you use another CMP, you will have to add manually a property consent_categories inside a user property, following this example :

cact('trigger','sign_up', {
  method: 'email', 
  user: {
      consent_categories: [1,3,4,6]

consent_categories is the user's consents list and is mandatory to manage consents in each destinations (aka server-side consent) See how work server-side consent management.

Advanced options: Overriding default parameters

There are 3 default parameters that you can override if needed:

  • collectionDomain: if not set, the default value correspond to your first party domain (if you setup one) or

  • sourceKey: if not set, the default value is the source key of the currently running web container.

  • siteId : if not set, the default value is the site id of the last web container loaded (tC.id_site)

To override a parameter, you can add a config object to your cact('trigger') function (4th parameter) like this:

cact('trigger', 'purchase', {   id:'1234',  currency: 'EUR',  //...},{
    collectionDomain: "",
    siteId: "1234",
    sourceKey: "abcd"

You can also set globally these parameters for all triggered events with the cact('config') method. See the Javascript API documentation for more information.

3. Check that everything is working

After configuring your OneTag (at lease one event triggered) and deploying your web container, you can refer to the Event Inspector tab for the Source to verify that it generates the expected event data.

The Source Event Inspector serves as a live tool that aids in validating the arrival of events originating from your website, mobile application, or servers to your Commanders Act Source. This enables you to promptly examine the reception of calls by your source and troubleshoot without the need to await data processing.

4. Setup your first destination

Once you have verified the inflow of data from your fresh source, it's the perfect moment to create your first destination:

  • Navigate to your Commanders Act platform, click on Destinations-> Overview, and select 'Add Destination' to list all the available destinations in the catalog.

  • Look for the destination of your preference. For example Facebook Conversion API.

  • Click on the card representing the destination to obtain more information about it.

  • Initiate the configuration by clicking on 'Configure'

  • Choose the source that you had previously setup, or select all sources.

  • In the settings screen, name your destination, choose an environment and enter required information.

  • Then in the filter tab, manage the user consent by selecting the appropriate consent categories for that destination (for example "Advertising" category for Facebook CAPI)

  • Save and go checking that everything is going well in the Event Delivery and/or Event Inspector tab, or directly in your tool.


When you add a destination (aka serverside tag), you manage the user consent by selecting the appropriate consent categories for that destination (for example "Advertising" category for Facebook CAPI). As a result, since each event entering the platform contains information about the user's consent, the event will only be sent to the destination if there is a match between the categories consented by the user and the consent's category associated to the destination.

Last updated

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