
Adform is a global digital media advertising technology company specializing in real-time programmatic marketing automation technologies. Using this destination you can implement server-side tracking.

Key features

The Adform destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference covers Adform server-side tracking, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way.

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Smart mapping: data mapping can be readjusted using your datalayer defined fields.

  • Support for multi-item data: information included in the item array is bridged to Partnerize.

Destination setup



Tracking Domain

Required Your tracking domain as set on Adform UI (E.g. "", without quotes). More details are available following this LINK. This setting supports dynamic values [1][2].

Tracking Setup Id

Required Your client tracking ID, which can be found under "Site Tracking" in Adform UI (E.g. "1257163", without quotes). This setting supports dynamic values [1][2].

Tracking Point Name Property

Your property holding the tracking point name. In case it's not set, Page URL (pageUrl) will be used.

Select your Adform third-party holder

This can be either Cookie or Event property, depending on how you provide Adform third-party identifier value. A client-side tag template named "Adform - Get 3rd Party Cookie ID" is available in our library to help you retrieve this value.

Third-Party Id Cookie Name

If you select Cookie in Select your Adform third-party holder, you can set your Adform third-party cookie name here.

Third-Party Id Property

If you select Event property in Select your Adform third-party holder, you can set your Adform third-party property name here.

Select your Adform first-party holder

This can be either Cookie or Event property, depending on how you provide Adform first-party identifier value.

First-Party Id Cookie Name

If you select Cookie in Select your Adform first-party holder, you can set your Adform first-party cookie name here. Only use for hybrid setups, where part of site tracking is implemented client-side to be able to pass its value that Adform has set previously.

First-Party Id Cookie Domain

If you select Cookie in Select your Adform first-party holder, you can set your Adform first-party cookie domain here. Only use for hybrid setups, where part of site tracking is implemented client-side to be able to pass its value that Adform has set previously.

First-Party Id Property

If you select Event property in Select your Adform first-party holder, you can set your Adform first-party property name here.

Custom Event Properties

Map your custom event properties by setting their field names in Adform property name and adding the field name holding the value in Your event property. E.g. if you inputsizein the Partnerize property name and items.0.product.size in Your event property, you'll have a custom event property in Adform calledsizewith a value based on the content of the field items.0.product.size [2].

In the column Your event property path you should keep the default value Default (root) as it fits most scenarios. In case you select either In "items" {items.X} or In "product" {items.X.product} this destination will look for the input event property starting from the items or product level respectively and add its value as a custom entry in the "subVariables" array. The advanced operation As Adform subVariables Data can be paired with the property path option Default (root) so your property value is set as a custom entry in the "subVariables" array for each item. More details on Adform custom variables are available following this LINK (section: "Add Custom Variables").

Quick reference

Commanders Act Events
Adform Tracking

[Any Event] [1]

[Tracking Point Names]

Field mappings

Commanders Act Properties
Adform Properties

Third-Party Id Cookie Name

Third-Party Id Property

identity.cookieId [1]

First-Party Id Cookie Name

First-Party Id Property [1]

First-Party Id Cookie Domain


identity.firstPartyId.domain [2]

Tracking Point Name Property




















compliance.gdprConsent [3]

Last updated

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