Manage Banner

Manage Banner

Options to create and edit banner templates.Sources > Privacy banners

Creating Privacy Banner

Click ADD PRIVACY BANNER in the top right of the interface to add a new banner to your account. Each template has following options:




Label of the banner used in the interface.


Dropdown to select a template for this banner.


Hosting method used for this banner (see Deploy Banner).

Consent duration

Duration how long the consent cookie is valid. After this duration the consent cookie is not valid anymore and a new banner will be presented to the user. It is possible to configure a duration in full months between 1 and 13 month. This has no impact on the storage duration of the consent in the Commanders Act Consent database.

Use the new privacy center

This option allows to use the old privacy center template of Commanders Act Consent Banners. This option allows to use custom CSS and custom JS that was created for old banner templates. In case you are not sure if a banner was customized please check with your Commanders Act consultant or support contact before creating a new template. This option is not available on all templates.

Example: Configuring options of a privacy banner.

Update Privacy Banner

You can open and edit the privacy banner settings via the gear icon on the top left of the interface.

Changing banner templates might not work for customized privacy banner templates. Please contact your Commanders Act consultant or support in case you are unsure if your banner was customized before using this option.

Customize banner content

Sources > Privacy banners (tab EDIT BANNER)

Options for banner customization

All banner templates can be customized with a WYSIWYG editor. Following options are available for all banners (except IAB TCF and Popin with Categories templates).

Options to manage the main text content of your banner.

  • Content: Text content (supports HTML formatting and links).

  • Font color: Text color.

  • Background color: Background color of the content area.

Changes have to be saved with the SAVE button.

Options for privacy center customization

Following options are available for the privacy center and "Popin with categories" templates.

Options to manage the header text of your privacy center.

  • Title: Text content.

  • Font color: Text color.

  • Background color: Background color of the header area.

Changes have to be saved with the SAVE button.

IAB TCF banners advanced options

Customise Publisher Country Code Field

Option to manage the publisherCC field of the IAB TCF API.

Country code of the country that determines the legislation of reference. Normally corresponds to the country code of the country in which the publisher's business entity is established.

Consent banners sets this value to "FR" by default in the IAB response. The publisher country code field can be customised with following JavaScript snippet (should be implemented in the first container on the website.).

tC.privacy.iabPublisherCC = "<country_code>";

Example to set the publisher country code field to a German country code:

tC.privacy.iabPublisherCC = "DE";

Customise Purpose One Treatment Field

Option to manage the purposeOneTreatment field of the IAB TCF API.

IAB TCF offers this field to specify how purpose one should be treated in specific scenarios.

true: Purpose 1 not disclosed at all. CMPs use publisherCC to indicate the publisher's country of establishment to help Vendors determine whether the vendor requires Purpose 1 consent.

false: There is no special Purpose 1 treatment status. Purpose 1 was disclosed normally (consent) as expected by TCF Policy

Consent banner sets this value to false by default in the IAB response. The purpose one treatment field can be customised with following JavaScript snippet (should be implemented in the first container on the website.).

tC.privacy.iabPublisherCC = (true|false);

Neutral vendor buttons

You can change the vendor button type to neutral if you choose the neutral position as the default status.f

You can't choose a neutral position for IAB categories (purposes) as it's not allowed by the framework policy

Synchronization mode between vendors and categories

You can choose to synchronize vendors status with categories, choosing to do it only for neutral buttons or always. If you use an IAB TCF template, this option will not have any effects on TCF vendors, as the TCF framework doesn't allow this.

IAB TCF Stacks Beta

Commanders Act Consent offers IAB TCF Stacks to reduce the size of the purpose list in the privacy center. IAB TCF Stacks group purposes and special features in a foldable panel and allows visitors to configure consent for all purposes and special feature in a Stack at once. More information on IAB TCF Stacks can be found in the IAB TCF Policy.

Right now IAB TCF Stacks are in beta in Commanders Act Consent. They are activated with a JavaScript command that needs to be added to the privacy center CUSTOM JS field JS BLOCK BEFORE.Example: Activating Auto Stacks

Commanders Act Consent offers two options to activate Stacks:


This option uses an algorithm to automatically find the tightest Stack combination for the configured vendors. This option is the recommended approach.

Move native Categories above IAB Purposes

Per default IAB Purpose controls are placed above native category controls. It is possible to display native categories above IAB TCF Purpose controls by adding following JavaScript snippet to the CUSTOM JS field JS BLOCK BEFORE of the privacy center.;

The "Other" headline of the native category controls can be translated by adding following configuration snippet to the CUSTOM JS field JS BLOCK BEFORE of the privacy center.

pc.addTranslation({en: { others: 'My Headline' }});pc.setLocale('en');

Last updated