Perimeters & constraints
Perimeters and Constraints are two methods to conditionally fire your tags.
Under the Perimeter panel, tags fire if at least one rule is true.
Under the Constraints panel, tags fire if all rules are true.
The “Variables” tab allows you to create rules based on your data layer variables (external variables, internal variables, events attributes, events variables):
Condition and behavior
“If Variable Equals“: Tag activated if the variable equals the specified value.
“If Variable is Not Equal“: Tag activated if the variable differs from the specified value.
“OR Condition (One Variable)“: Tag activated if the variable equals at least one of the specified values.
“NAND Condition (One Variable)“: Tag activated if the variable equals two or more specified values.
“OR Condition (Up To Six Possible Variables)“: Tag activated if at least one of the variables equals the specified value.
“AND Condition (Up To Six Possible Variables)“: Tag activated if all the variables equal all the specified values.
“Greater than condition“: Tag activated if the variable is greater than the specified value.
“Less than condition“: Tag activated if the variable is less than the specified value.
“If Variable Contains“: Tag activated if the variable contains the specified value.
“If Variable Does Not Contain“: Tag activated if the variable does not contain the specified value.
“If Variable Matches“: Tag activated if the variable matches the specified value (regular expressions allowed: * to match any character and ^ for “variable begins with”).
“If Variable Doesn’t Match“: Tag activated if the variable does not match the specified value (regular expressions allowed: * to match any character and ^ for “variable begins with”).
In case of multiple values: enter all the values in the field separated by a comma ",". Don't use space between.
In which case using “external variables” for the mapping?
When you want to create a rule based on a tc_vars from the data layer implemented on your website.
Example: your technical team has implemented an env_country variable, and you want to create a rule based on it:
In which case using “internal variables” for the mapping?
When you want to create a rule based on a variable that you have created by yourself, from the internal variable interface.
In which case using “event variables” for the mapping?
When you want to create a rule based on a variable specific to an event.
Example: The following event is implemented in your site’s source code:
To call a tag only if the product name is “iphone”, you have to select the event variable named “product_name” and configure it in the following manner:
The “Cookie” tab allows you to create rules based on cookies you have previously created in the Commanders Act interface or which are available for your site’s domain name (first-party cookies).
Condition and behavior
“If Cookie Equals“: Tag activated if the cookie’s value equals the specified value.
“If Cookie Is Not Equal“: Tag activated if the cookie’s value differs from the specified value.
“If Cookie Contains“: Tag activated if the cookie’s value contains the specified value. In case of multiple values : enter all the values in the field separated by a comma ",". Don't use space between.
“If Cookie Doesn’t Contain“: Tag activated if the cookie’s value does not contain the specified value. In case of multiple values : enter all the values in the field separated by a comma ",". don't use space between.
Example with multiple values: In order to call a tag when your “consent_status” cookie equals “exempt” or "optin", you must select the “If Cookie Equals” rule and configure it in the following manner:
This tab allows you to create rules based on your site’s URLs (note: we recommend that you use rules based on variables instead of URLs since the rule will become obsolete if your URL changes in the future):
Condition and behavior
“If URL Equals“: Tag activated if the URL equals the specified value.
“If URL Contains“: Tag activated if the URL contains the specified value. In case of multiple values : enter all the values in the field separated by a comma ",". Don't use space between.
“If URL Doesn’t Contain“: Tag activated if the URL does not contain the specified value.
“If URL Matches“: Tag activated if the URL matches the specified value (regular expressions allowed: * to match any character and ^ for “variable begins with”).
“If URL Doesn’t Match“: Tag activated if the URL does not match the specified value (regular expressions allowed: * to match any character and ^ for “variable begins with”).
Example: to call a tag when your URL indicates that the user is on the product page (providing your product page URLs are all structured the same:$category$/$subcategory$/product_$product_ID$), you have to select the “If URL Matches” rule and configure it in the following manner:
This tab allows you to create rules based on browsers.
Condition and behavior
“If Browser Is“: Tag activated if the browser is (choose from the list).
“If Browser Is Not“: Tag activated if the browser is not (choose from the list).
This tab allows you to create rules based on the type of device.
Condition and behavior
“If Device / OS Is“: Tag activated if the device is (choose from the list).
“If Device / OS Is Not“: Tag activated if the device is not (choose from the list).
“If Device / OS Is Android Tablet“: Tag activated if the device is an Android tablet.
“If Device / OS Is Android Mobile“: Tag activated if the device is an Android mobile device.
“If Device / OS Is Not Android Tablet“: Tag activated if the device is not an Android tablet.
“If Device / OS Is Not Android Mobile“: Tag activated if the device is not an Android mobile device.
Example: to prevent a tag from being called on an Android mobile device, you must select the “If Device Is Not Android Mobile” rule and configure it:
This tab allows you to create rules based on the type of audience segments created in DataCommander.
Condition and behavior
“DataCommander OR condition (up to six variables)“: Tag activated if at least one of the audiences equals the specified value.
“DataCommander AND condition (up to six variables)“: Tag activated if all the audiences equal all the specified values.
“DataCommander Event activation“: Tag activated on an event
Advanced rules
This tab allows you to create all types of advanced rules. For example, you can create sampling rules or even “Custom” rules:
Condition and behaviour
“Sampling (1/X) (Page Based)“: Tag activated in X% of page views.
“Sampling (1/X) (Session Based)” : Tag activated in X% of visits.
“Sampling (1/X) (Visitor Based)“: Tag activated for X% of visitors.
“(A or B or C or D or E) AND (F or G or H or I or J)“: Tag activated if at least one of the variables in the first group AND at least one of the variables in the second group equal the specified values.
“(A and B and C and D and E) AND (F or G or H or I or J)“: Tag activated if all the variables in the first group AND at least one of the variables in the second group equal the specified values.
“(A and B and C and D and E) OR (F and G and H and I and J)“: Tag activated if all the variables in the first group OR all the variables in the second group equal the specified values.
“(A and B and C and D and E) OR (F or G or H or I or J)“: Tag activated if all the variables in the first group OR at least one of the variables in the second group equal the specified values.
“(A different than VALUE1) OR (B different than VALUE2)“: Tag activated if the first variable is not equal to a value OR the second variable is not equal to a value.
“(A different than VALUE1) OR (B equals VALUE2)“: Tag activated if the first variable is not equal to a value OR the second variable is equal to a value.
“(A different than VALUE1) AND (B different than VALUE2)“: Tag activated if the first variable is not equal to a value AND the second variable is not equal to a value.
“(A different than VALUE1) AND (B equals VALUE2)“: Tag activated if the first variable is not equal to a value AND the second variable equals a value.
“In Array“: Tag activated if the variable is present in the variable array.
“In Sub Array“: Tag activated if the variable is present in a variable array key.
“Array Intersection”: Tag activated if two variables from two variable arrays are equal.
“Custom“: Custom rule (to define in JavaScript).
Example: In order to call a tag for 25% of site visitors, you must select the “Sampling (1/X) (Visitor Based)” and configure it in the following manner:
Last updated
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