Setup guide

The TagPerformance tag must be included in each and every one of your containers.

If you have many containers on a given page and as many TagPerformance tags, only one hit containing information about your tags will be sent.

It is not necessary to place it in a particular order within your containers, as it will automatically execute two seconds after the DOM Loaded event, that is to say, after all the other tags have loaded.

  • In the tag library, select the “Commanders Act – TagPerformance” tag.

  • There is nothing to configure in the “EDIT” step: Generate a new container version and deploy it.

Advanced – Customizing the “TagPerformance” tag:

  • It is possible to force-measure a tag’s performance (for example, that of a tag outside the container, that of a custom tag whose URL paths are not recognized by Commanders Act or that of a tag that is not present in the Commanders Act TMS tag library). If you wish to measure a new tag’s performance, place the following code block in the commented line 4 (1) tC.tagPerf.customPatterns.push({label:’Solution A’,p:’domain\.com.*js\.js’})



  • You can also add additional filters (in addition to default filters page type, container, device, OS and browser). If you wish to add a custom filter, place the following code block in the commented line: tc_vars[“custom_segment”] = #custom_segment#;

Note: You can only add one additional filter.

Example: to add a “page category” filter (tc_vars[“page_cat1”]) :

tc_vars[“custom_segment”] = tc_vars[“page_cat1”];

  • Finally, you can change the capturing method of the “Page Type” filter, which is available in the reports. This filter is based on the tc_vars[“env_template”] variable by default. If this variable is not available on your site, you can rely on a different variable by adding the following code block in the commented line (4) tc_vars[“env_template”] = #page_type#;

Example: if you wish to replace tc_vars[“env_template”] with tc_vars[“page_type”] :

tc_vars[“env_template”] = tc_vars[“page_type”] ;

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