
The “RULES” step allows you to create your tag activation rules.

You can manage how your tags and events are called by using the tabs displayed in the left menu:

  • The “Summary” tab provides you with an overview of the created rules per tag and event.

  • The “Triggers” tab allow you to create triggers for your tags. Triggers are rules allowing to execute tags on different conditions: container loaded, DOM Ready, clicks, form submissions, scroll and custom events.

  • The “Perimeters” tab allows you to create perimeters for your tags. Perimeters are the page types for which you want to activate your tags (for example: the homepage, “my account” page, product page, etc.).

  • The “Constraints” tab allows you to create constraints for your tags and events. Constraints are rules based on criteria other than the page type (for example: rules based on visitor status, the type of browser or device, etc.) Note: You must use constraints if you want to create a rule for an event.

  • The “Deduplication” tab allows you to implement deduplication rules for your tags.

  • The "Privacy Banners Constraints" tab allows you to setup rules for display your privacy banners

Last updated