E-commerce/retail events

The following events are recommended for retail and ecommerce apps and websites. To learn how to implement these events for your website, refer to the developer documentation.

Retail and ecommerce apps should log the events listed in this article and the events for all apps. Logging events along with their prescribed parameters ensures maximum available detail in reports and lets you benefit from the latest features and integrations as they become available.

when a user submits their payment information

coupon, currency, items, payment_type, value

when a user submits their shipping information

coupon, currency, items, shipping_tier, value

when a user adds items to cart

currency, items, value

when a user adds items to a wishlist

currency, items, value

when a user begins checkout

coupon, currency, items, value

when a user submits a form or request for information

value, currency

when a user completes a purchase

affiliation, coupon, currency, items, transaction_id, shipping, tax, value (required parameter)

when a refund is issued

affiliation, coupon, currency, items, transaction_id, shipping, tax, value

when a user removes items from a cart

currency, items, value

when an item is selected from a list

items, item_list_name, item_list_id


when a user selects a promotion

items, promotion_id, promotion_name, creative_name, creative_slot, location_id

when a user views their cart

currency, items, value

when a user views an item

currency, items, value

when a user sees a list of items/offerings

items, item_list_name, item_list_id


when a promotion is shown to a user

items, promotion_id, promotion_name, creative_name, creative_slot, location_id

When a user view a page

type, name

Last updated

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