TCPageViewEvent *event = [[TCPageViewEvent alloc] init];
event.pageType = @"product_list";
event.pageName = @"Best sellers";
[TCS execute: event];
//or you could also use it in a constructor, as follow:
TCPageViewEvent *event = [[TCPageViewEvent alloc] initWithType: @"type"];
let event =TCPageViewEvent(type:"product list") event?.pageName ="Best sellers" serverside?.execute(event)
var event =TCPageViewEvent(); event.pageName ="event_page_name"; event.pageType ="event_page_type"; serverside.execute(event);
let event =TCSearchEvent(searchTerm:"t-shirts") serverside.execute(event)
var event =TCSearchEvent(); event.searchTerm ="t-shirts"; serverside.execute(event);
This event signifies that a user has selected some content of a certain type. This event can help you identify popular content and categories of content in your app or click on internal promotion.
let event =TCSignUpEvent() event.method ="email" serverside?.execute(event)
var event =TCSignUpEvent(); event.method ="email"; serverside.execute(event);
When you send an event, it needs to carry enough information to identify which user made it. We can link events together using cookies. But destination partners require accurate identifiers to take actions.
id and email are usually the most useful parameters. Though some destination partners also use firstname, lastname, birthdate, city, ...
You won't always have all of those parameters. But it is recommended to send them as soon as you can during user's browsing.
Parameters (required and recommended)
About Hashing
In some cases, you won't be able to send a parameter plain value. It is either unavailable or restricted.
Thus it might be possible to send the hashed values. We currently accept 2 algorithm : md5 and sha256.
Every user.<property> can be sent under hashed format with algorithm suffix: _md5 or _sha256(underscore followed by lowercase algorithm name)
if you send plain value, the hashed values aren't necessary
We can generate hashed values on server side using plain value
if you don't send plain value, then you should fill as much hashed values as possible
Partners require different hash algorithms and without plain value, we can't generate any hash. That's why we need the exact hashed value